Ook Tsjechië wordt vertegenwoordigd op de Ambassademarkt!
april 12, 2017 1:56 pm Laat uw bericht achterBent u benieuwd naar producten en diensten uit Tsjechië? U bent zeker niet de enige! Tsjechië is een opkomende economie met producten van hoogwaardige kwaliteit, tegen een voordelige prijs. Om u te voorzien van informatie over deze interessante handelspartner hebben wij CzechTrade uitgenodigd voor de Ambassademarkt tijdens ‘De Dag van de Internationale Handel voor Agent en Importeur‘ op 10 mei 2017. Tijdens dit evenement zal CzechTrade verschillende flyers aanbieden, van producenten die op zoek zijn naar agenten en/of importeurs zoals uzelf. Hieronder geven wij u meer informatie over Czech Trade (in het Engels).
CzechTrade is the national export promotion organisation of the Czech Republic. Its main objective is to develop international trade and mutual cooperation between Czech and foreign companies.
CzechTrade was established on 1st May 1997 by the Minister of Industry and Trade as a trade promotion organisation co-financed by the state. CzechTrade became the national export promotion organisation aimed at developing international trade and mutual cooperation between Czech and foreign entities.
CzechTrade has been expanding and promoting its activities in order to be the first choice of exporters, to whom it can offer 20 years of experiences in foreign markets.
In addition to foreign network services, CzechTrade offers information and assistance services to exporters through consultants in the Czech Republic as well as professionals in foreign offices. CzechTrade also offers services in the field of industrial design and export education. The result is comprehensive export promotion which is as rapid as possible and easily available to Czech companies.
Are you looking for first class suppliers?
Are you expanding to Central Europe?
Find your business partners in the Czech Republic via CzechTrade Podgorica!
- Innovative companies with unique products
- High quality production at competitive prices
- Experienced exporters with good references
- Skilled labour force
- Flexibility and financial stability
- Strategic geographical location
- Long-term industrial tradition
Services of the Czech Trade Promotion Agency
Czech Business Partner Search
Czech Business Partner Search is a unique service provided by CzechTrade to foreign clients. CzechTrade, as a government agency directly controlled by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, has a team of specialists that are capable of finding a new Czech-based supplier of goods and services to suit your needs.
If you seek a partner for production cooperation, you can address our specialised team with this request. CzechTrade will find a suitable Czech partner for long-term collaboration (new product development, production and other industrial cooperation in the Czech Republic).
Key reasons for finding a partner for industrial cooperation:
- Access to specially selected Czech companies
- Match-making based on experience and local expertise
- Detailed information about potential partners delivered within 14 days
- Service provided by a government agency
- Confidentiality guaranteed
- The service is FREE of charge
Business visits
CzechTrade will assist you with organisation of negotiations with selected Czech companies as a follow up of the service Czech Business Partner Search.
Other services
Foreign offers (sale of products or services)
These services are provided free of charge. If you are convinced that your products or services could appeal to Czech manufacturers, complete the on-line form on www.czechtrade.eu.
Bent u benieuwd naar producten en diensten uit Tsjechië? U bent zeker niet de enige! Tsjechië is een opkomende economie met producten…